Thursday, May 23, 2024

ICPC Floating Point Summation Challenge

In this challenge you need to compute a sum of given floating point numbers taking into account accuracy, memory bandwidth and cache-friendliness.

My final submission was constructing perfect binary tree (pairsum technique) and then making a lot of improvement moves:

  • swapping leaves, 
  • swapping 16-sized blocks
  • changing type of addition
  • etc
after making a pre-move - I propagated the sum to the root (which took O(log N)) and computed score improvement.

What did not work:
- distillation techniques (because of locality penalty)
- all kinds of sorting techniques (because of locality penalty)

Overall this was a very fun and complex challenge: at first I experimented with a lot of sorting/distillation techniques which did not work, than I fixed tree structure and concentrated on improving pairsum technique.

If you are interested - you can look at challenge details

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