Monday, February 14, 2022

about nasa comet detection marathon

 This was an interesting comet detection task on topcoder. The main challenge was to detect very faint comets on LASCO C2 telescope images.

I took prize 7th place.
My approach was to train retinanet on resolution 1024x1024 using as an input - concatenation of 3 sequential differences of images using combined bounding box for 3 sequential comet positions.

The augmentations were used: rotate90,horizontal/vertical flip. 

The provisional score: 38.04.

After detection inference - I used postprocessing - tried to find max group of points which lie close and form a line - and then I tried to extend this group by time linear interpolation assuming constant speed.

What not much helped:
- for preprocessing - I tried histogram equalization - it helped visually better to see faint objects but for solution it did not helped much.

- for preprocessing - I also tried bilatel filtering - but it also didn't much help.

- deepsort (the trajectories are mostly linear, one comet per sequence)

- false positive filtering  (filtering FP by month of year - its known that at month m - there can be trajectories of specific form and orientation)

What could help and I've not tried:
- modeling comet trajectories as curved (not straight lines)

- ensembling

- heuristic way to constructing trajectories (as was done in asteroid hunter contest 2014)

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